Juniors, youth, and

Juniors, youth, and "young at hearters" - it's a Starling special.

Juniors, youth and "young at hearters", are you looking for your next move? Don't miss this chance to dial up you're sailing in a new Mackay built Starling. Receive a pre-season 10% discount on a new Mackay built Starling. Offer extends through to September 30th, 2024.

Enjoy the many benefits of sailing a Mackay built Starling -

  • Learn sail trim
  • Learn rig setup
  • Learn kinetics
  • Next to no maintenance
  • Enjoy super close racing
  • Ideal for 45kg's-65kg.

Best of all, you'll be totally race ready and ultra-competitive in a Mackay built, top-performing Starling.